Friday, May 15, 2009

How to become a Super Man in this world or the Greatest person in this world

So the question is. Is it possible?
Yes it is possible to become a Super Man. Do you know who was the superman of India long ago before the story of Super man came into being. Think again???

Of course our great lord “Hanuman". Is this the source of Super Man? Has anyone researched it? And why not?

So what did Lord Hanuman had which Super Man did not have? And can you imagine that in India only we have such a great god. People of the west call him Monkey God?

Is it not a nut case thing. Do we call Christ a Bastard? No?

Do we call Mumahad a Rapist or a Thug.

No! No one call them that but all the bad words are reserved for Indians as Indians don’t fight back and try to protect their rights and heritage.

So let’s come back to our hanuman story. Do people of India know about PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS and Eight Major powers and nine minor powers?

Our Lord Hanuman had all the powers and he could fly. So the basic question which I was asking was can we become like him.

Yes we can provide we do what he did. Yoga and meditation.
Follow what he did and we will become like him.

Hope people of India know about Hanuman Chalisa. What the heck is hanuman chalisa.? Right .written by some nut case or a greatest writer in the world called Tulsidas and the Tulsidas Ramcharits Manas what written by him.

So the question still remains about becoming a super man in this world. So the secret is yoga mediation and yes the mantras.

Hope people of India know about great Guru Goraknath and yes the SABAR mantras.

Do you know what is SABAR MANTRAS (this is to all English educated Indian’s or should I call COCONUT)

Well let me answer it before people start thinking what the heck. Sabar mantras are mantras are mantras arranged in some random order which only the Saints knows and one great Sabar Mantras compilation is HUNUMAN CHALISA.

So if you repeat 40 times HUNUMAN CHALISA every day for 40 days you will see great changes in your body and you will recognize the greatness of Indian thought and Indian way of life.

Will it make you like Lord Krishna or Hanuman well no.. But definitely you will go up a ladder as lord Krishna did meditation for 12 years.
Till the next time

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